26 weeks

I haven’t written in a long time. Mostly because there has been a lot going on. Since that awful day I awaited a miscarriage and lived in limbo. However nothing happened and I am now thankfully 26 weeks pregnant. I never thought that I would get to say that. It still is a very cautious time as blood tests reveal that I have a low PAPP-A which means my placenta may fail and stop the baby growing. Therefore I have to have regular scans from 28 weeks so of course I cannot quite breathe just yet. I am getting bigger and I can feel the baby kick which is just lovely. I just pray she is a fighter!

Life in other ways has just taken over and at the moment my husband and I are living with a bit of a dark cloud over us. It is just always something.

My husband has had a cough for a while and an Xray showed up two shadows on his lungs. We were told to wait for 6 weeks and then to rescan again. The rescan was last week and we have to wait an agonising 10 working days for the results. On top of that he also had a series of heart tests. He has always been advised to have them since his dad died of heart complications over 10 years ago. Of course he left it and to everyone’s surprise, including the consultant, tests revealed he has a hole in his heart.

We got the news in a letter and I will never forget the impact it had on him. He never cries but this felt like the final straw. After our infertility struggle, IVF, meningitis and his lungs we had had our fair share of health dramas. It just felt like one kick too many. The hole needs to be closed and now we have the agonising wait on how this will be done. He next has three sets of tests (two under sedation) to determine where the hole is and how big it is. If this hole is in the middle it can be closed by keyhole. Not pleasant but a week or so recovery. If it is to the side then it will be full on heart surgery just months after our baby is born. Being the NHS, we will not get these results for at least two months.

Always something! I just want a bit of normality for once and not live under this dark cloud.